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Welcome to Tactical Choices

"I took the class from Steve Wolf and his team, who were fantastic and really emphasized safety and crime avoidance.  I was scared of guns, as members of my family were killed with guns. But the class gave me the confidence and skills I needed to feel secure when I'm home alone. "

Jen, Attorney

All Networks from Steve Wolf on Vimeo.

The only person guaranteed to be there when you need help is you. Gain the knowledge, skills and resources to keep yourself alive. Make choices that reduce your chances of trouble by learning what puts you at risk, and prepare yourself for what's unavoidable. TACTICAL CHOICES training gives you the confidence of self reliance. 

Prepare to manage your safety, stay out of harms way, and take care of business instantly when trouble arises. Knowing that you will prevail against anyone who tries to hurt you or your family brings a tremendous sense of security. But this feeling is only realistic when you can back it up with top-notch skills, fool-proof equipment and instantly effective actions. We'll guide you to having them all. A CHL is just a piece of paper; it doesn't stop bullets or blades. Great training and reliable equipment are what does the trick. 

Become capable, aware and alert. Spot danger early. Develop action and reaction plans. Understand that you are responsible for your own safety, and be ready to meet that responsibility. Be ready to protect your family.

Some rely on chance, but you make your own luck by choosing to be prepared. Cherish safety, but never take it for granted. Join the millions of law abiding citizens that make life safer for civilized people, and more dangerous for criminals.

-Steve Wolf, founder, TACTICAL CHOICES